
What To Expect As A Trucker’s Wife Or Girlfriend?

Written by Trucker | Feb 6, 2023 12:11:09 PM

Being a trucker’s wife or girlfriend is not easy. The life of a trucker is challenging with all the movements and long hauling distances.
So, if your partner is just starting his new trucking job, then here’s the blog for you as to what to expect as a trucker’s partner and how to maintain a strong bond even while you are miles apart.

Trust is everything
Every relationship survives on trust, and trust is tested when your partner is away. Despite talking daily and remaining in touch with each other, a lot of things happen in each other’s lives. Hence, it's important to have faith in the other person's continued team membership and your shared life goals. When your partner departs, consider leaving "good morning" and "good night" messages or packing meals for several days. Even when you are not together, you may express your love in these small ways.
Even in long-term partnerships, the days and weeks can seem to go on forever. Have a plan for your short- and long-term professional goals and discuss it with your truck driver. Everyone will know what to expect from the circumstances as a result. If you have a goal in mind, it's simpler to make short-term compromises.

You’re in charge of your day
As the wife of an OTR trucker, it is up to you to take care of everything at home. Everything from getting children to soccer practice, school, and other locations to mending the running toilet and replacing the bike tire that always seems to leak can be considered.
Even though the level of responsibility might occasionally feel draining or overpowering, many trucker's wives also see it as a source of empowerment. You are incredibly capable, and once you're done, you'll feel like Superwoman!

More home time
Making the most of your time together is vital since OTR drivers and their families value their home time greatly. That being said, it's easy to allow expectations to rise, and home time won't always be everything you've portrayed it to be. When your lover gets home, you could experience a mixture of happiness, grief, and even frustration if things don't go as planned. The wisest course of action is to make an effort to accept things as they are.
Find a balance that works for you both when your partner gets home. When you're all at home together, try to find a balance between shared chores and free time. Because trucking is a demanding job, your partner may experience several weeks of extreme fatigue. Include some rest and concentrate on activities that will reenergize everyone. Go to the Christmas party if you enjoy family get-togethers, but if all you want is a quiet evening together, don't be embarrassed to decline the invitation.

Discover your sweet spot for communication
Being a trucker's wife might make communication difficult. It's possible that your schedules couldn't be further apart, and you wouldn't naturally have access to nights or weekends to catch up. Therefore, communication needs to be purposeful. Due to the fact that both partners are being considerate in reaching out to each other, for many couples, that is actually a gift.
Decide on a precise plan and stick to it to find a communication routine that works for everyone. Although you won't be able to communicate all the time, you should be having numerous text, phone, and video discussions. If you're a parent, schedule some time for the kids to chat with their favorite trucker and keep some time aside for you and your partner. To converse with one another and be a part of one another's lives, learn some trucking jargon. Finding the proper beat may take some time, but the work will be well worth it.

Keep yourself busy
Keep yourself occupied, especially if you're a new trucker's wife or girlfriend. That also applies to your truck driver! If you have children at home, being busy might seem like no problem at all, but be sure to set aside some time for yourself as well. If you have a lot going on, that could be as easy as taking an additional five minutes in the shower or going for a 15-minute walk. Take up a new hobby if you have too much free time and are missing your partner. This is a moment for robust social networks in both situations. Spend time with your loved ones and friends. They are the ones who will stand by you when times are difficult or you need a break.

Try going over the road
Not everyone is a good fit for or even capable of trucking with their partner, but some people adore it! Ask about rider programs so you and a friend can travel on the open road if you've always wanted to see the country. If going OTR is not an option, see if you two can join forces for one route. This will allow you to experience a bit of your partner's daily life and foster shared experiences.

Although transitioning to life as a trucker's wife is not simple, there is a community of women who are prepared to help one another. To learn how other truckers' wives manage their relationships, visit #truckerswife on Instagram or Truckers Wife Support on Facebook.
Yes, you can have an amazing and successful relationship with a trucker; yes, you can survive the long distance; and yes, you can grow both professionally and personally.
To know more about the trucking industry, stay tuned with Trucker Social.