What is a T.W.I.C. card and why should I get one?



Some drivers have to carry a special kind of identification, like people working in airports, biomedical facilities, federal buildings, transportation centers, and hospitals.

So, when a driver is working in the maritime transportation industry, he needs to have a TWIC, or transportation worker identity card.

In this blog, we will be talking about what TWIC is and whether you should have one.

What is a TWIC card for truckers? 

A TWIC card is an abbreviation for Transportation Worker Identification Credentials. It is mandatory under the Maritime Transportation Security Act for those who need access to security areas on the nation’s maritime premises.

CDL drivers who pick up and deliver cargo from the seaport must have the TWIC card.

When a truck driver needs to cross the secure areas, they will have to show the TWIC card to gain access.

Before issuing the TWIC card to the CDL driver, the Transportation Security Administration does a background check, also known as threat assessment, to check whether the driver is eligible for a TWIC card or not.

A driver does not need to be a US citizen to apply for a TWIC card.

Does a trucker need a TWIC card? 

A trucker who takes short-haul inland routes or transports cargo from rail yards to warehouses doesn’t have to have the TWIC card.

But if a truck driver isn’t working at the port, then some companies do prefer TWIC cards so that a driver can deliver and pick up cargo from the port if required in the future.

How hard is it to get a TWIC card? 

Although getting a TWIC card is a simple process, it can take some time. One can complete the application online or choose to complete the entire process in person by taking an appointment with TSA in their application center, as walk-ins are acceptable there.

All you have to do is carry the required documents, a valid ID like a passport, driver’s license, etc., and your birth certificate to the application center.

In the application center, you will be finger-printed and have to pay a non-refundable fee of $125.25.

If a driver already has a HazMat certificate, he is supposed to pay a reduced rate.

Just make sure you apply for TWIC as soon as possible, as it may take up to a month to know the status of your application once all the documentation is done and you’re being fingerprinted.

The TWIC card is valid for five years after the date of issuance and will be mailed to the address you gave when you applied.

What makes you ineligible for a TWIC card?

Permanent and temporary bans are the two types of bans that affect TWIC cards. For whatever reason, CDL drivers who are not eligible for a TWIC card or who fail the security threat assessment won't be allowed to enter port facilities to pick up or deliver cargo.

  • Temporary Disqualifications:

You will be prohibited from obtaining a TWIC for five to seven years if you commit any of the following violations:

unlawful handling of a firearm or other weapon, including its importation, exportation, manufacturing, sale, purchase, distribution, receipt, transfer, shipping, transit, or delivery.

Extortion, Fraud, Bribery, Smuggling, Immigration offenses

Importation, distribution, or possession with the intent to distribute a controlled drug

Arson, Kidnapping or taking hostages

Rape or severe sexual assault, Killing-intent assault, Robbery

Unauthorized access to a seaport

Voluntarily killing someone

  • Permanent Disqualifications

You will never be able to obtain a TWIC card if you are found guilty of any of the following crimes or enter a guilty plea to any of them.

Espionage or planning to engage in spying

A conspiracy to commit sedition or sedition itself

Treason or treason-related planning

Federal terrorism offense, Murder

A TSI being used in a crime (transportation security incident)

Hazardous substance transportation done incorrectly

Illegally owning, using, selling, distributing, making, receiving, transferring, shipping, transiting, importing, exporting, storing, or dealing with explosives or explosive devices is against the law.

Threatening to deliver, put, or detonate an explosive or other fatal device in or against a public space, a state or government facility, a system of public transit, or an infrastructure facility while knowing the information to be false

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act violations. 


Hope this blog has helped you understand what TWIC is and whether you should apply for it or not.

Stay tuned with Trucker Social to learn more.

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