Useful Tips for Truckers to Improve Fuel Efficiency
For the trucking industry, increasing fuel prices are always a concern. In addition to this, organizations are also required to address the rising environmental concerns and devise a strategy to reduce their overall carbon emissions. Thankfully, achieving maximum fuel efficiency can help them deal with both problems.
Since the implementation of EV trucks countrywide or the shift to clean hydrogen energy remains still a work in progress, learning the best ways to achieve fuel efficiency still remains the best option for trucking organizations to save money, and resources, and reduce environmental impact. Let us delve into the methods that can help a trucker attain maximum fuel efficiency.
Using the Latest Truck Models
Although purchasing the latest truck models might be an expensive method to reduce fuel expenditure, it is the best solution to keep your environmental impact in check while saving large on fuel costs. The modern truck models are equipped with advanced features such as low-rolling resistance tires, aerodynamic design, and electronic systems for better engine performance optimization.
Leveraging Momentum
Using momentum optimally can help any driver in achieving maximum fuel efficiency. Avoiding sudden braking is the key to preventing energy loss. It is recommended to gradually coast to a slower speed by releasing the accelerator when approaching a stoplight or an exit. A sudden change in momentum, be it to reduce or increase speed, would require more energy, consequentially consuming more fuel. Therefore, whether you want to accelerate or decelerate, it should be done with a gentle change in momentum.
Prevent Idling
Idling is still practiced by many drivers, either to maintain a comfortable temperature inside the truck during extreme weather or to prevent restarts when running a quick errand. This practice can be expensive on the wallet because one hour of idling can consume about a gallon of gas. Sometimes, a simple turn of the keys on the truck can be the simplest trick for saving fuel.
Maintaining Consistent Speed
Consistency in speed equals consistent fuel consumption. Truckers have better opportunities to maintain a specific speed when traveling on the highway. Remaining in one gear for prolonged periods is a critical step towards fuel efficiency. Further, 55 MPH is the ideal speed for truckers as the fuel economy beyond this speed can result in a decreased MPG (miles per gallon).
Choosing the Perfect Route
Truckers have to assess various routes depending on the type of cargo, weather, permits, and various other factors. However, if two or three routes are of the same distance and would take the same time to get to the location, truckers should select the route that has minimum traffic and interferences in between. By choosing a route without obstacles, they would be able to drive while maintaining fuel efficiency.
Training Your Trucking Crew
Spreading awareness about the importance of fuel efficiency and providing training to truckers can help them preserve fuel every day. Many truckers still remain unaware of fuel efficiency and methods to maximize it and unknowingly waste gallons of fuel on the road. The aforementioned tips can help them to reduce their environmental impact and fuel costs on every trip!