Trucking HR Canada, AMTA partner on recruitment, retention project

The Government of Alberta has provided funding for an initiative that, according to Trucking HR Canada (THRC), will assist Alberta employers with their efforts to attract and retain employees. According to a press release, THRC has teamed up with the Alberta Motor Transport Association (AMTA) to execute project activities.

HR Connects: Growing the HR Capacity of Alberta's Trucking and Logistics Companies, a three-year initiative, is meant to assist employers in strengthening their human resources management policies and procedures. According to Trucking HR, the initiative, which received funding of just under $1 million, will benefit not only the province's trucking and logistics industry but also all other industries that rely on truck transportation.

Recent data on the labor market from THRC shows that while 19.3% of the sector's open positions are in Alberta, which employs 14% of Canada's trucking and logistics workers. Furthermore, 24% of the trucking and logistics workforce in Alberta are over the age of 54, which is higher than the 20% norm for the labor force as a whole.

In addition, the industry has had less luck luring younger workers, with just 29% of its workforce under 35 compared to more than 37% of Alberta's total labor force. All of which make it difficult to find, develop, and keep ability.

HR Management Tools 

According to Angela Splinter, CEO of THRC, "Alberta employers are facing tremendous challenges with recruitment and retention, representing nearly 20% of all job vacancies in the trucking and logistics sector." Through HR workshops, the development of new HR management tools, and assistance in connecting employers to resources like the Career ExpressWay and other supports, this initiative will bring together employers in Alberta. We are happy to be collaborating closely with the AMTA once more in order to offer their users our specialized HR solutions.

The Alberta Motor Transport Association is aware of how important it is to address Canada's lack of business drivers. Willie Hamel, interim president of AMTA, continued, "Through this new project, AMTA and THRC will collaborate to deliver targeted workshops with Alberta-focused solutions that enable the safe and efficient transport of people and products as well as a strong supply chain for all Albertans.




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