
Manchin signs onto GOP effort to overturn Biden truck pollution rule

Written by Trucker | Apr 28, 2023 11:35:32 AM

In an effort to reverse a Biden administration rule that tries to reduce emissions from heavy-duty trucks, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) is working with Republicans.

Ahead of the anticipated vote on the proposal, Manchin said in a statement on Wednesday that he would support a resolution that would repeal the rule.

In a written statement, he added, "I am proud to support this resolution to stop this government overreach."

He expressed worry about the implications for supply networks and the transportation industry.

In the statement, he said that "the Biden Administration wants to burden the trucking industry with oppressive regulations that will increase prices by thousands of dollars and drive out truck drivers and small trucking companies."

"We cannot allow the EPA to continue to seize unchecked power and enact regulations that destroy our economy," he continued. "Our country is facing record-high inflation and vulnerable supply chains."

The regulation that the legislators are attempting to invalidate attempts to reduce emissions of particles known as nitrogen oxides that can affect the respiratory system.

By 2045, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), these restrictions might avert up to 2,900 unnecessary deaths and 18,000 fewer occurrences of childhood asthma.

Manchin has also sided with Republicans in opposition to a number of additional rules from the Biden administration, such as those pertaining to water policy and retirement investments.

The senator has not yet declared if he will seek reelection, but if he does, he will likely face a challenging campaign in the solidly red state of West Virginia and may fare better if he distances himself from Vice President Biden.

More generally, Manchin has recently voiced his displeasure with the Biden administration over a number of topics, including the implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act and the debt ceiling talks.