
Electric Truck: Are we ready for it?

Written by Trucker | Jan 9, 2023 5:00:33 AM



Soon, fully electric trucks will be available for purchase in the US and many other nations. It's an important milestone in the history of technological advancement. Electric trucks are catching up to diesel-powered ones in terms of cost, range, and simplicity of maintenance as battery technology advances and prices fall.

So, what should you know about these brand-new trucks, and are we ready for the electric truck?

  • Electric trucks are unlike conventional trucks

The first thing to know is that because the market for electric trucks is still so new, manufacturers are continually experimenting with vehicle designs and ranges. For this reason, it's crucial that you do your research before choosing a vehicle.

  • They are limited-range automobiles

The typical electric truck is about the same length as a Honda Fit, thus lengthy parking lots or garages are not necessary. But if you require more than 300 miles of range, you might want to consider bigger vehicles like the Tesla Model S pickup truck.

  • Electric trucks are expensive 

Despite the lack of competition, electric trucks are still quite expensive (costing, on average, about $100,000). Tax credits, free transportation from major U-Haul facilities by renting on-demand, and lease agreements from eHighway startup Predix Systems (an EV/HVAC firm) can make up for that. These are available for both California and federal government-owned vehicles.

  • They are fast and furious 

The average speed of an electric truck is between 30 and 60 miles per hour, which is great as long as you have a mechanism to boost it to your goal. Check out models with gasoline-electric or compressed natural gas (CNG) engines, and electric trucks. You will see that electric trucks are better than conventional ones. Electric trucks are made for covering long distances, and their batteries are quick to recharge.

  • Electric trucks are environment friendly 

The vehicles are made with zero emissions in mind, which makes them excellent for the environment. And as a result, they are well-liked by businesses that want to help reduce pollution while saving money at the same time.

The transportation of the future is electric trucks. For businesses and truck drivers, electric vehicles make financial sense since they eliminate the need for expensive gasoline. Here are some things you should know about electric trucks if you want to drive one, including how they operate and why they make such a great investment.

The trucking company is probably not the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of clean-energy technologies. But as companies in all industries try to deal with high fuel costs and their effects on the environment, electric trucks have become a popular way to cut costs without sacrificing performance.

Also, the U.S. Department of Transportation has declared its intention to push for the use of EVs as the market for electric trucks expands and businesses take steps to minimize automobile pollution. Because of this, it is predicted that there will be an increase in the use of electric trucks across all industries during the coming ten years, along with new regulations and policies aimed at encouraging more companies to use green technology.

Businesses are increasingly flocking to electric trucks due to their clear advantages. Over 2 million Class 8 vehicles are presently estimated to be diesel-powered by SMART Technologies, accounting for about 80% of the heavy-duty trucking business in North America.

Thus, we can say that electric vehicles are the future, and every sector of the economy, especially the trucking sector, has buckled up to embrace these vehicles to run their business activities effectively and efficiently without causing any damage to the environment.