Cybersecurity Threats: An Emerging Problem for Trucking Organizations

Cybersecurity Threats: An Emerging Problem for Trucking Organizations


Trucking operations have started leveraging technology and the internet to improve accuracy, speed, and overall performance. However, the integration with computers has exposed the trucking and related logistic sectors to increased cybersecurity threats.

Cybercriminals can attack any trucking company by aiming for the systems installed in their trucks or their offices. Although the physical boundaries have remained the same, the introduction of the internet has widely expanded the space where a criminal can operate and inflict damage to any trucking organization. However, the growing concerns of the trucking industry reflect the thoughts of the entire business sector, as cyber threats remain one of the top three business concerns for the ninth straight year, according to the Travelers Risk Index.

John Menefee, Cyber Risk product manager at Travelers shares a worrying stat, commenting” Nearly 25% of this year’s survey participants said their company has been the victim of a cyberattack, and nearly half of those incidents have taken place within the past 12 months.”

The increased cyberthreat activities around the nation have urged authorities to take actions aimed at improving the security measures of trucking organizations. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) addresses cybersecurity issues faced by government agencies and private sector organizations. CISA also supports the implementation of risk management plans by providing threat and mitigation information to companies. Addressing the increased exposure to vulnerabilities due to our dependence on technology, Sandra Radesky, CISA associate director of vulnerability management, stated,” CISA works with our government and industry partners in the transportation sector to ensure organizations understand the risks they face.” The increased awareness about the cyber security threats would benefit the trucking industry as owners would take necessary measures to prevent any criminal activities from disrupting business.

Adopting Emerging Technologies is Key for Future Supply Chain Growth

87% of shippers and 94% of third-party logistics providers feel the trucking industry would enable the trucking industry to enhance supply chain growth, according to the 2024 Third-Party Logistics Study conducted on Oct. 2. Increased technology use is not only better for documentation and developing relationships with participating organizations, but also benefit aspects such as monitoring, tracking, and controlling in any trucking operation. Therefore, in the long run, trucking organizations would have a better chance of minimizing on-road accidents and saving on fuel wasted while idling.

However, the technologies used in the trucking industry must be better equipped to deal with cyber threats to optimally improve functionalities without increasing risks in the process. The recent ransomware attack on Orbcomm on 18th September and the cyberattack on the computer systems of Estes Express Lines on 3rd October indicate that cybersecurity levels require drastic improvement.

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