
Building A Bond With Children As A Trucker

Written by Trucker | Feb 27, 2023 12:38:45 PM


As a truck driver, spending extended periods away from your family can be challenging, especially when you have children. It can be difficult to build and maintain a strong relationship with your kids when you are away for days, weeks, or even months at a time.

However, it is possible to build a bond with your children as a trucker.

In this blog, we will discuss some tips to help you build and maintain a strong relationship with your children, even when you are on the road.

  • Communication is Key: 

Communication is the foundation of any strong relationship. As a trucker, it is crucial to keep in touch with your children regularly. With the advent of technology, it is easier than ever to stay connected with your loved ones. You can use video calls, text messages, emails, or even social media platforms to communicate with your children.

Make sure to schedule regular calls with your kids, and stick to the schedule as much as possible. You can ask them about their day, their school, their friends, and any other topics that interest them. You can also share your experiences on the road, the places you visit, and the people you meet.


  • Involve Your Children in Your Job: 

Trucking can be an exciting and adventurous job, and you can involve your children in your experiences. You can share photos and videos of the places you visit, the landscapes you drive through, and the interesting people you meet on the road. You can also take them on a ride-along during your off time, so they can experience what it is like to be a trucker.

Involving your children in your job will help them understand your work and the challenges you face as a trucker. They will also feel more connected to you and appreciate the sacrifices you make to provide for the family.


  • Make Time for Your Kids: 

When you are home, it is essential to make time for your kids. You may be tired after a long haul, but it is crucial to set aside time to spend with your children. You can plan activities that interest them, such as playing sports, watching a movie, or going to the park.

It is also crucial to be present when you are with your children. Avoid distractions, such as your phone, emails, or work-related tasks. Show your children that they are your top priority, and that you value the time you spend with them.


  • Create Traditions: 

Traditions are an excellent way to build lasting memories and strengthen your bond with your children. You can create traditions that are unique to your family and your job as a trucker. For example, you can take a photo at every state line you cross or send postcards from the places you visit.

You can also create traditions for when you are home, such as having a weekly family game night, cooking a favorite meal together, or going on a family vacation.


  • Keep Your Promises: 

As a parent, it is crucial to keep your promises, especially when you are away from home for long periods. If you promise to call your child at a certain time, make sure to keep your word. If you promise to bring back souvenirs from your trip, make sure to follow through.

Keeping your promises shows your children that they can trust you, and that you are committed to your relationship with them.


Trucker Social knows building a bond with your children as a trucker can be challenging, but it is possible with effort and dedication.

To build and keep a strong relationship with your kids, you need to talk to them, get them involved, spend time with them, have traditions, and keep your promises. By following these tips, you can create lasting memories and strengthen the bond with your children, even when you are on the road.